Schlagwort-Archive: paragliding TV
Hochleister-Performance mit Low-B-Anspruch (EN/LTF B)
PHANTOM – Eine neue Ära im Gleitschirmsport
Der PHANTOM bietet die Sicherheit eines Basis-Intermediates, und die Performance eines Hochleisters. Möglich macht dies die wahrscheinlich technisch aufwändigste Konstruktion, die je in Serie realisiert wurde.

Erlebe den Fortschritt. Der PHANTOM ist ein Gleitschirm einer neuen, völlig revolutionären Art: Mit ähnlich niedriger Streckung wie der ION und 99 Zellen vereint er die Sicherheit der ION-Klasse mit Hochleister-Performance. Das Handling überzeugt mit ausgeprägter Spurtreue sowie einzigartiger Präzision und Einfachheit.

Maximale Komplexität. 99 Zellen, 804 Needle-eye Ribs und 3200 Aussparungen in Profilen und Diagonalrippen zur Gewichtsreduktion: Der PHANTOM ist der vermutlich komplexeste und technisch aufwändigste Serienschirm aller Zeiten. Mit weit mehr als 3000 Einzelteilen setzt er neue Maßstäbe im Gleitschirmbau.

Kompromisslos genießen. Der PHANTOM ist überwiegend aus leichtem 27-Gramm-Tuch gefertigt. In Verbindung mit der gewichtsoptimierten inneren Struktur wiegt der Schirm in Größe S weniger als 5 kg. Die Kombination aus niedrigem Gewicht und geringer Streckung führt zu maximaler Sicherheit. Nie war so viel Leistung so einfach zu fliegen.

Der PHANTOM ist ein Gleitschirm einer völlig neuen Klasse und wie kein anderer Flügel für eine sehr breite Zielgruppe geeignet: Dank seiner hohen passiven Sicherheit und seiner überragenden Leistung ist er sowohl für ambitionierte Gelegenheitspiloten, als auch für anspruchsvolle Streckenflieger das Gerät der Wahl. Der PHANTOM vereint die Vorteile von Low-B-Schirmen und Hochleistern.
Dein NOVA-Partner berät Dich gerne bei Fragen zum PHANTOM!
Gleitschirm neu definiert
den geringen Anspruch des ION und die hohe Leistung des TRITON.
Kurz und kompakt
Sind Schirme mit vielen Zellen nicht schwierig zu fliegen?
Nein, dies ist ein Irrglaube. Mit einer höheren Zellenzahl steigt zwar das Gewicht, dies konnten wir jedoch durch die Verwendung von leichtem Tuch und strukturanalytisch optimierten Aussparungen kompensieren.
Aber Hochleister mit vielen Zellen sind schwieriger zu fliegen als Einsteigerschirme mit wenigen.
Richtig, aber dies ist auf die höhere Streckung und nicht auf die Anzahl an Zellen zurückzuführen. Zellenzahl und Anspruch stehen nicht in direktem Bezug zueinander.
Warum sorgt eine hohe Zellanzahl für ein Mehr an Leistung?
Je mehr Zellen, desto glatter wird der Flügel – somit sinkt der Widerstand. Die hohe Zellanzahl führt auch zu einem Höchstmaß an Stabilität. Dies kommt in turbulenter Luft ebenfalls der Leistung zugute.
Gab es nicht früher bereits einen PHANTOM von NOVA?
Richtig, 1991. Die Analogie zum Ur-Phantom ist ein Leistungssprung, der damals wie heute beeindruckend ist.
Der PHANTOM im Detail

Kein Gramm unnötiger Ballast und dennoch höchste technische Komplexität: An jeder Leinenaufhängung leiten bis zu 12 triple tape ribs die Kraft an die benachbarten Profilrippen ab. Dies ermöglicht eine homogene Kraftverteilung im Schirminneren. Die festigkeitsanalytisch positionierten Aussparungen drücken das Gewicht in Größe S auf unter 5kg, wodurch der PHANTOM sogar Hike&Fly-tauglich ist.
Technische Daten
XS | S | M | L | |
Zellenzahl | 99 | 99 | 99 | 99 |
Projizierte Spannweite | 8,79 | 9,21 | 9,62 | 10,01 |
Projizierte Fläche | 20,25 | 22,25 | 24,25 | 26,24 |
Projizierte Streckung | 3,82 | 3,82 | 3,82 | 3,82 |
Ausgelegte Spannweite | 11,05 | 11,58 | 12,09 | 12,58 |
Ausgelegte Fläche | 23,52 | 25,84 | 28,16 | 30,46 |
Ausgelegte Streckung | 5,19 | 5,19 | 5,19 | 5,19 |
Leinenlänge | 6,49 | 6,80 | 7,10 | 7,38 |
Gesamtleinenlänge | 250 | 261 | 273 | 285 |
Max. Profiltiefe | 2,68 | 2,81 | 2,93 | 3,04 |
Min. Profiltiefe | 0,38 | 0,40 | 0,42 | 0,44 |
Gewicht | 4,8 | 5 | 5,25 | 5,5 |
Empfohlener Gewichtsbereich | 60-90 | 80-100 | 90-110 | 100-130 |
Zulassung (EN/LTF) | B | B | B | B |
Customise your wing
Speedbrake Riser
Gebietsrekord Monte Cucco in Mittelitalien Pilot: Rinaldo Vuerich
NOVA Team Pilot Rinaldo Vuerich gelang mit seinem SECTOR
(EN C) ein neuer Gebietsrekord vom Startplatz Monte Cucco in Mittelitalien.
Das Besondere: Rinaldo konnte der Magic Line folgen, der berühmten Konvergenz zwischen Tyrrhenischem Meer und der Adria.
Am 12. August flog NOVA Team Pilot Rinaldo Vuerich einen neuen Fluggebietsrekord vom Startplatz Monte Cucco.
NOVA SECTOR: EN-C Cross-country Paraglider / Low Aspect Ratio – High Performance
Rinaldo startete mit seinen SECTOR (EN C) gegen Mittag und flog in 6:10 Stunden 171,69 km freie Strecke, entsprechend einem Durchschnitt von 27,93 km/h. Auf seinem Flug profitierte er stark von der legendären Konvergenz zwischen dem Tyrrhenischen Meer im Westen und der Adria im Osten. Mehr über diesen Flug und die „Magic Line“ auf
Link zum Flug:
Bilderquelle: NOVA.EU
The Start of the Red Bull X-Alps 2017 , be there on the 2 July :-)
The Start of the Red Bull X-Alps 2017
32 athletes will take on their toughest adventure yet.
The 8th edition of Red Bull X-Alps is only 6 weeks away and for many of the athletes, it will be the biggest race of their career. Starting July 2, 2017, 32 adventurers from 21 nations will hike and fly a straight-line distance of 1,138km across the Alps from Salzburg to Monaco. Traveling only by foot or paraglider, the exhausting journey will push even the most accomplished athletes and pilots to their very limits. Strategy and training are crucial, but are they prepared for the adventure that lies ahead?
It doesn’t matter whether you’re a rookie or a veteran; everybody prepares differently for Red Bull X-Alps. The new route down to Slovenia and the unpredictable weather conditions present an almost infinite number of possibilities during the race. For this reason alone, a single strategy simply won’t cut it. Taking the title requires physical strength, unbreakable spirit and above all, versatility. There’s no telling what will happen, but it will be a nail-biting adventure like no other.
Mitch Riley is one of the three USA athletes participating, and a rookie this year at Red Bull X-Alps. He says that he is feeling strong going into the last month before the competition. “I am becoming a paraglider carrying machine,” he says. “My training plan is paying off in a big way, and I am only going to get stronger and stronger!”To meet the athletes and learn more about the race, head over to and – or follow the action live from June 29 on
A full list of the 32 athletes including individual profiles and further details can be found on All athletes are available for interviews with the media upon requesFor editorial, image or interview requests please contact Ella Rosenfeld at or 424-341-8614.
Red Bull X-Alps, the world’s toughest adventure race is returning July 2, 2017 for its eighth edition. Starting in Salzburg, 32 Athletes of 21 nationalities will race a straight-line distance of 1,138km across the Alps to Monaco via 7 turnpoints in 7 different countries.
Travelling only by foot or paraglider, their every move is monitored by advanced Live Tracking technology and broadcasted to an audience of millions. With constantly changing weather conditions, tactical planning is as important as the extreme endurance required to participate. For this reason, each athlete has a supporter to help with strategy, nutrition and everything in between.
the one-day Leatherman Prologue race takes place in Salzburgerland. The top three finishers will each win an additional Ledlenser Night Pass, allowing them to race through the mandatory rest period. On day two of the main race, the usual 5:00am start will be delayed for each athlete by the time in which they finished the Leatherman Prologue race behind the prologue winner.
there’s only one question on everyone’s mind; could 2017 see athletes like Sebastian Huber or Paul Guschlbauer end Maurer’s reign as Red Bull X-Alps champion? Only one thing is certain – anything could happen!
Reference/Quelle with thanks to
The Start of the Red Bull X-Alps 2017 , be there on the 2 July 🙂 weiterlesen
How to prepare for the world’s toughest adventure race
How to prepare for the world’s toughest adventure race red bull x alps 2017
The athletes share their training routines for Red Bull X-Alps 2017, as they get ready to hike and fly 1,000km across the Alps.
Taking on the Red Bull X-Alps is arguably as tactical as it is exhausting. The athletes need a whole lot more than just excellent endurance racing, mountaineering and paragliding skills. They must also have the physical and mental strength to push themselves day after day towards the finishing line. The question is, how does one prepare for the almost superhuman strength and determination required to compete?Take Austrian pilot Paul Guschlbauer for example. His planning for this year’s race appears to be closely linked to intuition. He says that when training, he likes to take advantage of whatever nature provides. Guschlbauer goes ski touring if it snows, but takes to the air as soon as the thermals start. He also explains that he eats only what his body feels it needs and currently has no diet plan. “I think that having fun in what you do is essential for being in good mental and physical shape,” he says.
Gavin McClurg of the USA on the other hand has adopted a much more structured approach to his training. Following an impressive 8th place debut at Red Bull X-Alps 2015, McClurg’s brutal training regime is well under way. His physical preparation consists of intense interval workouts and anaerobic threshold training to build up strength. As if this wasn’t enough, he also manages to fit in cycling and ski touring several days a week to improve his endurance. “The goal is to make the body super resilient so it can handle the abuse,” he explains. In addition, he follows a strict diet plan developed by a professional nutritionist, which includes natural supplements such as fish oils and collagen powders.
Former German champion Manuel Nübel broke his kneecap just four months before Red Bull X-Alps 2015. Despite his injury, he went on to shock everyone with a grueling 9th place finish and will be hungry for more in 2017. He says; “I am already in better shape than last time and the next four months will boost my endurance for sure.” Like most, Nübel’s preparation includes mountain running, XC skiing and cycling. However, he has also been working on taking off in strong winds and packing his gear as fast as possible, which may give him an advantage during the race. Will he be capable of pushing for the podium now that he’s returning to full health?
Red Bull X-Alps rookie and 2017’s youngest competitor Tobias Grossrubatscher from Italy has a completely different set of factors to contend with. He needs both the physical preparation and careful planning to help him through the biggest race of his career. The highly motivated Italian has been training five to six times a week from hiking and flying, to ski touring and trail running. He is also working on a diet plan and has been studying the areas around Dachstein, Matterhorn and Mont Blanc. He says; “All preparation is on schedule, so we can concentrate on planning the routes and strategies.”
In contrast to Grossrubatscher, reigning champion Christian ‘Chrigel’ Maurer from Switzerland is able to draw on many more years of experience. The four-time consecutive winner of Red Bull X-Alps is currently planning to do 30,000m of vertical ascents each month until the start of the race. He also says that eating as much as possible is more important than a specific diet plan. For the first time however, Chrigel will be replacing his long-time teammate Thomas Theurillat with a new supporter, which may raise questions about whether he can retain the title. “At the start line, I know I can make it, but on the other hand every edition is new and different. This is what motivates me to do it again,” he says confidently.
Whatever the strategy, the constantly changing conditions make it impossible to predict how things will work out on race day. Mental preparation alone won’t be enough to win Red Bull X-Alps 2017. Tactical planning is nothing without physical fitness and unparalleled resilience; for this is set to be a whole new level of adventure.
To meet the athletes and learn more about the race, head over to redbullxalps.comand
NOTES TO THE EDITOR by red bull x alps 2017
A full list of the 32 athletes including individual profiles and further details can be found on All athletes are available for interviews with the media upon request.
For editorial, image or interview requests please contact Maximilian Blair at or +43 6226 8848-29.
Red Bull X-Alps 2017 will start on July 2 and will be the eighth edition of the world’s toughest adventure race. The combination of trekking and paragliding is one of the most exciting hybrids to emerge from the ongoing convergence of mountain sports. During the race, athletes must hike or fly as fast as possible a straight-line distance of more than 1,000km across the Alps via a currently undisclosed number of turnpoints.
To bring fans even closer to the action, a one-day race – the Leatherman Prologue – will be held in Fuschl am See, Austria during which spectators can watch up close as the athletes race for one of three additional Ledlenser Nightpasses and a five-minute headstart on the main race. In 2015 this one-day race was won by Austrian Paul Guschlbauer.
Red Bull X-Alps 2015 saw 19 of the 32 competing athletes make the goal – a record number since the first race in 2003. Incredibly, 12 rookies crossed the finish line, including athletes from the US, Korea, New Zealand and elsewhere for the first time in history.
Swiss athlete Christian Maurer, however, won the Red Bull X-Alps 2015 race in the time of 8 days, 4 hours and 37 minutes. It was his fourth successive win – and a new record. Could 2017 see athletes like Sebastian Huber or Paul Guschlbauer end Maurer’s reign as Red Bull X-Alps champion? Only one thing is certain – anything could happen!
How to prepare for the world’s toughest adventure race weiterlesen